Sunday 25 January 2015

Inspired from...Pain, Love, Life, People....

Please know that there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or self conscious...We are all full of shit... Go love someone just because, I know your heart may be badly bruised, or even the victim of numerous knifings but it will always heal even if you don’t want it to, it keeps going... There are the most fantastic, beautiful things and people out there, I promise. It’s up to you to find them...People don’t like love, they like that flittery flirty feeling....They don’t love..... love is sacrificial, love is ferocious, it’s not emotive....Our culture doesn’t love love, it loves the idea of love... It wants the emotion without paying anything for it. It’s ridiculous...Some people will never ‘get you’...Do not spend eternity asking why...You’ll meet her, she’s very pretty, even though sometimes she’s sad for many days at a time. You’ll see, when she smiles, you’ll love her.

I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves....They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was...Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them.... They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t...The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice ....Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable.... they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed....I like people who have a sense of individuality. I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that’s natural and that’s real....

As Ghandi said: Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words... Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior....Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits...Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.....Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny....You’re the kind of experience most people wait lifetimes for....They say you don’t get over someone until you find someone or something better... As humans, we don’t deal well with emptiness....Any empty space must be filled,immediately...The pain of emptiness is too strong....It compels the victim to fill that place.....A single moment with that empty spot causes excruciating pain....  That’s why we run from distraction to distraction and from attachment to attachment....All the hardest, coldest people you meet were once as soft as water....And that’s the tragedy of living...

True or False?

 “Don’t like/love him more than he likes/loves you.” Because it’s not safe for your heart,Because you might get hurt, you might fall too deep, you might lose control of your own emotions and thoughts. Because he might not be worth it after all. (BULLSHIT)

Love should be mad, reckless and dangerous. It ought to be! .....It should require your every ounce of courage and every iota of strength... Love like you’re doing a bungee jump.... Take the risk. Love like it’s all or nothing... Give your best because we only have one life to live....If you don’t love fiercely and carelessly right now, then when? When you’re eighty years old sitting on a wheelchair???At some point you will realize that the more you try to dissect love to study and understand it, the less you know and the more confused you get.... Perhaps love is not something we can try and calculate, and its worth, not something we have all learned to fully appreciate yet....So love,even if it’s going to hurt afterwards. ...Love without trying to control it. Because fear and control only diminish the glory and beauty of love, making it just another “mediocre thing in life.”....Now is time to let love become something it should be. Something extraordinary.... 

Some types of people....

From a pretty young age I started to sit back and watch... Watch how people treated each other, watch how ridicules they acted, and have seen a string of things. Most of people lies,are mean, and selfish....People use you for their own needs... and then they are making too many excuses....Having said that, I’ll never stop believing in better, and I can't imagine myself being that thoughtless, careless and so empty inside!!... Yes, I need to grow stronger and more realistic, but good, genuine people do exist!! SOME People are great! They are honest, open doors for others, are polite, grateful and kind!! People go that extra mile for their loved ones.... they are not ashamed to show their feelings  ...and make others laugh... they care and compassionate...

Past, Present and Future

I look at myself and realize I am not my mistakes and I can go as far as I want to go in my life... I find myself forgetting the beginning of where I started and how much more passion I had before I experienced some road blocks... As much as I hate the feeling I get when I’m scared, the unsettling anxiety in the pit of your stomach, it’s absolutely necessary to be faced with situations that make you feel that way...I realized that doing things that scare you is not only a part of the journey to success, it is essential to success...Every so often the “what if’s” get to me and I get completely overwhelmed by my decision to give up complacent security to follow my dreams. I traded in that security for the unknown, being scared sh-tless some days, feeling doubtful and sometimes a hint of regret when times get tough...If you’re not living a life where every once in a while you get scared sh-tless by what COULD happen, you’ll never create meaningful, positive change for your future... The most successful people risked everything they had to get where they are... Money is an illusion ... it comes and goes. Your legacy is forever...

Saturday 22 June 2013

Stii ca nu poti multumi pe toata lumea?

Multi dintre noi inca nu stim. Si inca suntem dispusi sa incercam sa multumim pe toti, pentru a simti ca apartinem. Oricui, oriunde, oricum. Spunem “da” cand inima noastra tipa “nu”, facem promisiuni pe care ne este imposibil sa le tinem,
ne cautam atent cuvintele si ascundem parti de adevar pentru a nu deranja, continuand sa pierdem din autenticitate in speranta ca vom castiga acceptare. Facem zilnic, uneori inconstient, acest schimb, oferind pe tava parti din noi doar pentru a face pe plac. Cazand, in acelasi timp, in capcana de a astepta ca, la randul nostru, sa ni se faca pe plac.

“Daca te simti vinovat cand spui sau faci ceva care pare sa nu fie pe placul altor persoane sau daca esti dezamagit, frustrat si chiar furios cand alta persoana nu face sau nu spune ceea ce ti-ar face tie pe plac, atunci, probabil ca te numeri printre cei care cred ca poti sa multumesti, mereu, pe toata lumea, incepand de la cei pe care-i iubesti pana la cei pe care ii vezi pentru prima data.

Este imposibil sa le faci pe plac, tot timpul, tuturor celor pe care ii iubesti. Pentru a le face pe plac acelora care sunt aproape de tine (parinti, soti, copii, prieteni, colegi) e nevoie sa fii atent la toate cererile lor si sa-ti aduci aminte, permanent, de tot ceea ce-i face fericiti, lucru care este peste puterile unui om normal. Daca ai obiceiul sa te comporti asa, cred ca este imperativ, pentru viata ta, sa inveti care este diferenta intre a face pe plac si a iubi.

A face pe plac inseamna sa oferi placere, comportandu-te in acord cu ceea ce-i place cuiva. A iubi inseamna sa accepti diferentele, dorintele, fricile, limitele, talentele si defectele celorlalti, fara sa-i judeci si fara sa incerci sa-i schimbi. Asadar, daca oamenii pe care ii iubesti decid sa nu-ti faca pe plac, asta nu inseamna ca nu te iubesc, ci inseamna ca ei doar isi exprima propriile limite. Fiecare persoana este indreptatita sa aiba limite. A te iubi pe tine inseamna a-ti respecta propriile limite. Cand decizi sa nu actionezi conform dorintelor altei persoane din respect pentru tine, este un act de iubire fata de tine.......

O picatura de putin din.... toate!

Daca incerci intotdeauna sa ii multumesti pe toti cei din jurul tau, la un moment dat lumea va profita de tine. Stabileste niste limite. Nu te schimba pentru a fi pe placul cuiva sau pentru a impresiona. Schimba-te doar daca simti ca asa vei deveni o persoana mai buna si iti vei construi un viitor stralucit in viata. A fi TU este cea mai eficienta metoda de a avea fericire si succes. In situatiile dificile, trage aer in piept si reaminteste-ti cine esti cu adevarat si ce doresti sa ajungi, cum vei evolua. Desi parerile oamenilor din jur pot diferi de ale tale, asculta-ti mereu vocea interioara. Ea te va ghida intotdeauna corect....

Desi de multe ori te simti confuz sau pierdut, nu vrei cu adevarat ca prietenii sau persoana iubita sa fie perfecti. Ceea ce este cu adevarat important este ca ei sa fie oameni de incredere, pe care te poti baza si care iubesc sa se afle in preajma ta. Ai nevoie de oameni in jurul carora sa te poti purta prosteste fara sa fii judecat. Ai nevoie de oameni pe care sa ii doresti langa tine, la fel cum ei te doresc langa ei. Ideal ar fi sa te inconjori de persoane ce iti cunosc greselile si slabiciunile si, desi te-au vazut atat in ipostaze bune, cat si rele, nu te vor parasi niciodata.

Fiecare om care trece pe langa noi pe strada are de spus o poveste de viata extrem de captivanta si poate chiar mai complicate decat a ta. Nu lacrimile sunt cele ce masoara durerea pe care o resimte o persoana, ci de multe ori zambetul, care ascunde trairi de viata inimaginabile. Nu toate cicatricele sunt la vedere. Nu toate ranile se vindeca de la sine. De obicei nu putem nici macar sa percepem durerea ce se ascunde in spatele unei figuri sau a unui gest. Asadar, invata sa nu judeci pe nimeni pentru trecutul sau ori pentru sentimentele ce il domina, ci incearca sa întelegi in ce situatie se afla, intra in pielea sa! Doar fiindca nu esti de acord cu ce ai in fata, nu inseamna ca ai neaparat dreptate. Desi defectele celorlalti sunt mai vizibile pentru tine, priveste mai intai defectele tale si vei capata o perceptie cu totul noua despre viata.

Cicatricele sunt simboluri ale evolutiei tale.

Nu trebuie sa te rusinezi de cicatricele pe care anumite rani provocate de persoane din viata ta ti le-au lasat. O cicatrice inseamna ca durerea a incetat si rana s-a inchis, s-a vindecat. O cicatrice inseamna ca ai invins suferinta, ca ai invatat o importanta lectie de viata, ai devenit o persoana mai puternica si ai reusit sa mergi mai departe. O cicatrice este un tatuaj al triumfului tau de care trebuie sa fii intotdeauna mandru.